Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hates Banking in General

I hate the bank.

Honestly, I wish that I could just stuff my money in my mattress and call it a day. Either that, or bury it in a chest on a deserted island. The only problem with that is easy access, the one positive to having your money in a bank.

The bank steals my money. It is incredibly frustrating. For some reason my check didn't clear in the time that it usually does and the bank slams me with tons of overcharge fees. I am overdrawn which is incredibly frustrating. That is what happens when the bank charges you over $100 in freaking overdraft fees.

Now, I have to go to the bank and argue with a teller(in a nice Christian manner) in the hopes that they will return the money they stole from me. I wish that I was better at arguing, I hardly ever get my way in these situations. In the end, I will probably just have to swallow the fees and passively get back at them by closing my account and switching banks.

Wish me luck.....This never would have happened if I buried my money on a deserted island....