Sunday, March 8, 2009

What's in a Name?

I've always found my name to be a little on the strange side,
never sure if I fully appreciated it being bestowed upon me. For
years of my youth I was convinced that my parents had named
me after an alcoholic beverage.

I realize that Amber is not an uncommon name, in fact I know
at least three other people who seem to find favor in being named
so. However, I was haunted as a child when I would hear the beer
commercials boasting about the rich "Amber" color that their
product possessed. I was literally nervous to listen to the radio,
or watch television because I knew that inevitably, my name would
be bellowed through the speakers in association with that bewitching

Another factor in my mounting inner turmoil was that my brothers
were given biblical names, Matthew and Adam. I know it was not the
intention of my parents but it felt like salt in an open wound. Not only
was the bible devoid from my name but I also had the added bonus of
hearing it describe a personal favorite of rowdy drunks everywhere.

As a pseudo adult (I don't like admitting that I am one), I have come to terms with my first name. I know that my parents had no malicious intent when they named me Amber, I must say that the movie Jurassic Park did help to ease my pain and suffering. It was nice to know that amber did not only represent the color of beer but it could also aid in the mass murder of an island full of people by way of overgrown lizards. At least now I have grown into a playful enthusiasm about my name, seeing it makes me smile instead of cower in shame and humiliation.

Next installment I will touch on my last name, it is a less sensitive topic.

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